måndag 1 september 2014

Things Only a Person with AD(H)D Would Understand

Vissa stämmer alldeles för bra.

Keeping track of a conversation with Venn diagrams, because you’re only two sentences in and your brain is already flooded.

The blank space that appears in your mind when you’re asked a question while thinking about something else. It has a sound too: “Uhhhhhhhhh.”

The occasional realization that grownups actually do iron their clothes, but that has absolutely no effect on whether you do.

Doing the dishes, and every other chore at the same time. (Good thing I'm vacuuming now because I found everything the kids stuffed under the sofa and … Wait a minute, did I feed the goldfish? Oh hey, I need to look up that one thing on the Internet about fish tanks … and maybe I'll just top off the fish tank with some water in the kitchen and … OMG THE DISHES! THE SINK IS OVERFLOWING! Wait, where did I put the goldfish?)

That one time you found your purse in the fridge.

An inexplicable urge to ride your bike around the neighborhood. At midnight.

Cleaning out your wallet and finding receipts from 1998 … the last time you cleaned out your wallet.

You wake up at 7 a.m., but you’re not really awake until 10, when the stimulant meds and maybe some ill-advised caffeine kick in.

Waking up at 6 a.m. and shooting out of bed like a pebble from a slingshot screaming “HEY GUYS! MIND IF I VACUUM?”

The amount of time that passes between an idea popping into your head and your need to act on that impulse is about the width of a hair.

You know that the easiest way to clean any room is to throw everything away.

Pre-diagnosis, your favorite beverage was Mountain Dew, and your favorite time of day was 3 a.m.

The best pet for you is one that reminds you when it needs to be fed.

In sight, in mind. But out of sight, out of mind. If the pants drawer is closed, those pants don’t exist. Therefore, I shall not wear pants.

Källa: http://www.healthline.com/health/adhd/would-understand

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